As Semtech’s Alistair Fulton highlights, low-power, long-range wireless networks are only just being realised when it comes to building smart cities and their full potential must be recognised. Read more
How many of you checked your smartphone before reading this article? According to, more than 80% of the world’s population own a smartphone—so I’d guess you snuck a peek at any incoming messages. Additionally, how many of you are tracking your steps on a wearable? With the recent uptick in consumer demand for fitness trackers and health-based wearables, the market is expected to reach 344.9 million shipments worldwide this year. If you don’t have a wearable device yet, you’ll likely own one soon. Semtech's David Wong, s. director of consumer sensing products, speaks to why the PerSe product line of sensors can help balance consumer demands with regulatory compliance. Read more
Ontex's smart diaper solution uses LoRaWAN connectivity with Semtech's ICs, printed sensor electronics built into each diaper, and software and an app to track the status of patients' hygiene at care facilities or hospitals. Read more
Take a look around you and you’ll see that now more than ever, the Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere. From the 18-wheeler transporting food and goods to your local coffee shop and smart lighting applications within your office to medical devices in hospitals, IoT plays a critical role in powering everyday devices and applications that make our lives easier. Read more