The new LoRa Edge LR1120 allows for direct satellite-connected Internet of Things (IoT) applications in supply chain management and logistics with seamless low power geolocation on a global scale. Read more
Semtech’s new LoRa Edge LR1120 delivers multi-band capabilities to the device-to-cloud geolocation platform for direct satellite-connected IoT applications. Read more
Semtech Corp. has released an addition to its LoRa Edge device-to-cloud geolocation platform that brings satellite-connected internet of things (IoT) capabilities to global asset tracking. Read more
As we see the trend of edge computing rise across industries, one of the most important uses for it is in data centers. Incorporating edge computing enables more autonomously run data centers, and a low latency network is critical in environments that strive to maximize compute throughput and reduce server idle time. Timothy Vang, Vice President of Marketing and Applications at Semtech, answers some questions about the intricacies of edge computing and the important role it plays in the modern data center to meet the current bandwidth and speed demands. Read more
Semtech talks about the novelties of LPWAN, a technology that allows long-range and low-speed wireless communications, for example between IoT devices, often battery-powered. What it is, how it works and what future developments are. Read more
Cos'è LoRaWAN e come permette di trasferire dati, seppur con una velocità di trasferimento contenuta, a chilometri di distanza anche fuori dalla copertura di reti WiFi e mobili. Read more
Now enjoying growing popularity in smart cities and rural areas, sub GHz low-power wide area networks or LPWANs (Low Power Wide Area Networks) are also showing a clear evolution in other areas. From 2.4GHz to satellite networks. Read more