Low-cost and low-power satellite connectivity technology built directly with smart sensors will kick-start a second IoT revolution. With LoRa®, a device-to-Cloud platform built for applications requiring long range, low power, incorporated into satellites, smart sensors can enable two-way communications to and from satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). LoRa can run on Very High Frequency (VHF) frequencies for uplink and downlink to satellites from the ground. Read more
More complex IoT technology is leading to more sophisticated cyberattacks. To achieve the needed security levels for their systems and devices, designers are turning to the inherently secure LoRaWAN open protocol. Read more
Companies globally are developing and selling IoT devices with the goal of making life easier, and the options are seemingly endless these days. With that in mind, our environments – like houses, offices and businesses – are becoming saturated with different types of devices that all serve their own purpose. None of them work in tandem, and as a result, this has inherently made things more difficult for the end user. When making these purchases, consumers are looking for a simple solution that enables interoperability and a seamless connection between the many devices that can exist in a single environment. Read more
The connectivity technology landscape remains complex and fragmented. LoRa®/LoRaWAN®, NB-IoT, Zigbee, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth (BLE), and 5G are driving the market forward, but for different use cases. There’s no single IoT connectivity technology that can deliver ubiquitous coverage, so when it comes down to what to use, every vertical market will need to make decisions around what to prioritize. Trade-offs between power consumption, range, and bandwidth all need to be considered when identifying the right technology for your business. Read more
The pandemic triggered an accelerated pace of digital transformation throughout the industry. But, as the pandemic wanes, the need for digitization will continue in order for companies to remain competitive. Read more
Semtech’s GN2256 bidirectional 50-Gbps PAM4 clock and data recovery (CDR) IC employs an integrated differential externally modulated laser driver. Part of the company’s 5G wireless Tri-Edge and ClearEdge CDR product line, the GN2256 Tri-Edge IC enables 50-Gbps PAM4 fixed wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), tunable WDM, and silicon photonics optical modules. Read more
The population of those aged 65 and over is growing faster than all other age groups. According to data from World Population Prospects, one in six people worldwide will be over the age of 65 by 2050, making up 16% of the global population. Seniors face increased challenges that may put them in harm’s way, because of social exclusion, the accelerating trend in reduced intergenerational living spurred by COVID-19, and residing in large, spread out communities. Caregivers, health care professionals and family members can better support the well-being of seniors and their ability to comfortably and more manageably live alone through the use of IoT technology. Read more
While the industrial revolution of connectivity is a work in progress, Internet of Things technologies continue to drive progress and changes everywhere. Read more
Bouygues Construction Matériel, offshoot of one of the biggest global construction groups Bouygues Construction, is implementing an innovative asset tracking solution for Smart Construction, offered by Omniscient, a startup incubated by Bouygues SA. Read more
As businesses resume normal operations, IoT applications will be instrumental in helping human resources departments and facility managers protect their employees by delivering solutions to promote healthy and safe workspaces. Current workplaces are actively mitigating health and safety risks such as facility hygiene, social distancing, contact tracing, occupancy control, and information privacy by locating, detecting, and monitoring data wirelessly with its IoT applications and an ecosystem of integrated products designed to safeguard the health of workers and deliver a secure work environment. As the economy continues to recover, we’ll increasingly witness more organizations leveraging the IoT to bring back workers to the office safely. Read more