Semtech's LoRa is a groundbreaking long range, low power wireless technology enabling our world to become a Smart Planet.
LoRa is the de facto platform for low power wide area network (LWPAN) technology for the Internet of Things (IoT). LoRa modulations are the ultimate solution for eliminating repeaters, reducing cost, extending battery life, and improving network capacity. Semtech's wireless radio frequency (RF) product line consists of gateways, transceivers, receivers, and transmitters that cover the radio frequency spectrum from sub-GHz up to 2.4GHz. With 10x the range and 3x less power than other IoT technologies, Semtech wireless RF integrated circuits are used internationally for applications in smart homes, buildings, cities, supply chain and logistics, metering and utilities, agriculture, industrial, retail, and more.

LoRa Connect
Ics for Sensors/Trackers
LoRa Connect™, LoRa Edge™ &  LoRa Plus™

Sub-GHz, 2.4GHz and multi-band transceiver chips and reference designs for sensors and trackers.

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LoRa Core
Ics for Gateways
LoRa Core™

The LoRa Core portfolio consists of gateway chips and reference designs.

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Software Library
LoRa Basics™

Easy to use software libraries and protocol stacks to simplify development.

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What is LoRa?

LoRa is the de facto wireless platform of Internet of Things (IoT). Semtech’s LoRa chipsets connect sensors to the Cloud and enable real-time communication of data and analytics that can be utilized to enhance efficiency and productivity. LoRa devices enable smart IoT applications that solve some of the biggest challenges facing our planet: energy management, natural resource reduction, pollution control, and infrastructure efficiency.

The LoRaWAN open specification is a low power, wide area networking (LPWAN) standard managed by the LoRa Alliance®, a non-profit technology alliance. Designed to wirelessly connect battery operated and even energy harvested things to the internet in regional, national or global networks, the LoRaWAN standard meets key Internet of Things (IoT) requirements such as bidirectional communication, end-to-end security, mobility, and geolocation services. LoRaWAN leverages the unlicensed radio spectrum in the Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. The specification defines the device-to-infrastructure of LoRa® physical layer parameters and the LoRaWAN standard, and provides seamless interoperability between manufacturers.

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Unlike other disruptive technologies that can be slow to gain global adoption, Semtech's LoRa devices are innovating towards the future all around the globe today. With thousands of known use cases (and growing), and millions of devices deployed on every inhabited continent, LoRa is realizing the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). Analyst firm ABI Research estimates that, by 2026, LoRa will be the leading non-cellular low power wide area (LPWA) network technology and will account for more than half of all non-cellular LPWA connections.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Both of these settings provide a trade-off between time-on-air of the signal and the sensitivity or robustness of the link. The most important of these two factors is spreading factor: this offers a clear ~2.5 dB improvement in sensitivity for each increase in SF, but a the cost of doubling the symbol period. The FEC does not provide any significant increase in sensitivity, but instead offers improved immunity to partial loss of the packet information by increasing the level of redundant information in the packet. for this reason the time-on-air penalty can be high for marginal perceived gains - unless the interference environment your link will be operating in is well understood. For this reason, your link should be optimized for SF first - i.e. select the link budget required by your application (using the lowest FEC possible). Then, if your link may be subject to interference, consider the application of stronger error correction.
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Lower BW are made by simply playing the waveform files at a lower sampling rate. The OSR is set to 4, so play them at 500 kHz for LoRaBW = 125 kHz, 250 kHz for LoRaBW = 61.25 kHz, 125 kHz for LoRaBW = 30.6 kHz, and so on.
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This method is extremely widespread in the industry, for instance in drive-by smart-metering scenario where an interrogator is present and sends a long preamble to wake-up a device for seldom interrogation. It is all a trade-off between Rx duty-cycle (energy efficiency on the Rx), length of the interrogating preamble, and over-hearing. The source has to be clever enough to detect false interrogations and adapt itself to fake interrogations, for example due to a raise in the noise floor in the channel. Typically, wake-up on RSSI is used and self-adapting RSSI threshold helps mitigate over-hearing, which is harmful for the battery lifetime.
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